A public meeting was held on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM at the Rostraver Central Firehall (1100 Fells Church Road Rostraver Township, PA 15012).
The Arnold City Interchange Improvements Project, connecting Route 3011, Finley Road, Indian Hill Road, and Daugherty Lane to I-70, located in Rostraver Township, is intended to improve safety and traffic operations at the interchange and along I-70. The project area is approximately 1.75 miles long, extending from the I-70 bridge over the Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad to 1.37 miles east of the Arnold City Interchange.
Arnold City Interchange project area | Click to enlarge
On mainline I-70, the project will include widening the median from 4 feet to 10 feet and widening the outside shoulders from 10 to 12 feet. The reconstructed interchange will utilize a diamond configuration with a five-leg roundabout that will connect the eastbound ramps with Indian Hill Road and Finley Road. The westbound ramps will be reconstructed as standard diamond ramps with an unsignalized intersection. The roadway will be shiftedapproximately 4 feet to the north.
Reconstructed I-70 typical section | Click to Enlarge
PennDOT held an Open House Public Meeting and Public Officials Briefing in November 2017 and a virtual public meeting in November 2021. At both meetings, the Department made a short presentation to provide an overview of the project, purpose and needs, environmental features, studies performed, design work completed to date, and next steps.
View project mapping to learn more details about this area.